Category: Thesis

  • Thesis Presentation: This Device is for You

    I, Kate Hartman, presented my Master’s thesis.

  • Device Testing in NYC

    Calling all New Yorkers!

    I’ve been developing a new line of absurd communication devices that explore the subtle ways we relate to ourselves and to others (think “muttering hat“, if you know what that is).

    From April 16th-20th, I’ll be running some rapid user testing here in NYC which means that YOU will have the chance to try these out yourself. This is an opportunity to take these devices ANYWHERE you like in the city, try them out, and make a video of your experience. Pick up & drop off of the devices will take place at 721 Broadway in Manhattan and device tests will run on a 24 hour turnaround.

    Information about the project can be found here:

    Information and signup for NYC device testing can be found here:

    Questions? Send an email to mail[at]thisdeviceisforyou[dot]com

  • Call for Mutterings

    To all artists and technologists,

    This is an official Call for Mutterings. We are in need of creative audio content for integration in the newest line of Muttering Hats coming out next month and would like to invite your participation. We are seeking audio tracks at least 60 seconds in length that embody a creative interpretation of the concept of “the voices in your head”. Please note that these are in fact mutterings, so the ability to decipher distinct words is not advised for the final product. Also, we are seeking a spatial, room-like tone, so the use of a built-in computer microphone in the context of an empty room would be appropriate.

    A sample of audio used in the original Muttering Hat can be found here:

    All proposed audio should be submitted in the form of an MP3 to mutteringhat[at]gmail[dot]com with the subject line “Call for Mutterings”. The finest mutterings will be featured in the Muttering Hats which will travel the world and selected mutterers will receive credit for their participation in the project.

    Thank you for your time. We look forward to your submissions.

    The International Muttering Hat Initiative (IMHI)