Porcupine Vest


The Porcupine Vest is a wearable, spikey body-extension that allows you to take up more space. You can use it to expand your footprint and sometimes your personal expression. Check out the Instructable here: www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Porcupine-Vest/



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Pinky Linkers

Pinky Linkers are physical devices that allow two people who might not know each other very well to experience a physical bond. They are customized to reflect both the size of each individual’s pinky as well as how close each person feels to the other. Check out the Instructable here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Pinky-Linkers/

This version of the . . . → Read More: Pinky Linkers

Bicycle-Mounted Banana Suspender

I’m getting settled in at the amazing residency at Autodesk’s Pier 9. This past week we were assigned a mini-group project to help us get warmed up and to get to know each other. I worked with Johan Da Silveira, Jonah Ross-Mars, and Purin Phanichphant to create a Bicycle-Mounted Banana Suspender.

You can check . . . → Read More: Bicycle-Mounted Banana Suspender