Category: Press

  • Hello CBC

    I had two recent, lovely encounters with the CBC:

    An interview with former ITP Camper Dan Misener
    an interview with Nora Young at Spark

    Some words from CBC:
    SPARK | Mar 1, 2013 | 13:12
    Wearable Computing
    Google Glass is just the latest example of “wearable computing”, a concept that’s been around for quite a while but hasn’t exactly caught on. With big players like Google and Apple getting in on it now, will wearable computing finally make it to the mainstream? Nora heads to the Social Body Lab at OCAD University in Toronto to speak with artist and technologist Kate Hartman about the future of wearable computing.

  • “Your Begonia Is Texting You”

    Botanicalls makes another appearance in the New York Times!

  • MoMA Acquires Botanicalls for Permanent Collection


    I love working with emerging technologies.But one of the problems you face in working with a medium that is constantly changing is that sooner than later your work ceases to be. It becomes outdated, falls apart, or the things necessary to maintain it become unavailable. While ideally I’d like to be a proper archivist of my own work, it’s just not something I’ve been able to maintain in the midst of my other activities. This is one reason among many that I am completely thrilled to announce that the Museum of Modern Art’s Architecture & Design Acquisition Committee has approved the addition of Botanicalls to the MoMA permanent collection!

    This means that after the Talk to Me exhibition closes, Botanicalls will join the likes of Eames chairs the BIC penFrank Lloyd Wright, and  Starry Night. It’s a huge honor and we’d like to thank the acquisition committee, as well as the many collaborators who have helped Botanicalls along the way, a few of whom include: Gabe Barcia-Colombo, Andrew Schneider, Limor Fried, Phil Torrone, Nathan Seidle, Jim Lindblom, Tom Igoe, Red Burns, Dan O’Sullivan, Danny Rozin, Clay Shirky, Josh London, Eric Beug, Jimmy Garver, K Otterness, JooYoun Paek, Chris Paretti, John Frazier and many others.

    This is a project that has been underway since 2006 with 3 collaborators who have become some of my closest friends. Here’s some memories from along the way:

    the original brainstorm-ing whiteboard plants making phone calls

    the Botanicalls crew, Maker Faire 2007 the first kit from Adafruit


  • ITP on NYC 2.0

    Last summer (while I was wearing my ITP Camp Director hat) John Dimatos & I were interview by Rick Karr about our beloved ITP/NYU for the new video series “NYC 2.0”.

    Episode 3: “The Smartest Place on Earth”

    ITP Classic starts at 15:15, ITP Camp at 20:30.

  • art:21 interview

    While running ITP Camp this summer I had the opportunity to have a fabulous conversation with Antonius Wiriadjaja – current ITP student and guest blogger for art:21. The result was “Kate Hartman Talks to Herself … and the Art21 Blog“, by far the most pleasant and comprehensive interview I’ve done to date. If you’d like to know what I’ve been up to recently it’s worth checking out!

  • Wearable Technology Minor featured in Toronto Star

    A little over two years ago I responded to a job posting for “Assistant or Associate Professor in Wearable/Mobile Technology and Interfaces”. While OCAD had a strong history of teaching fibre, jewelry making, industrial design, and mobile development, wearable technology was an area just starting to be explored. Two years later I’m happy to report that we’ve successful launched two new courses (1 & 2) as well as an undergraduate minor in this field of study. Yesterday the Toronto Star published a great article on some of these recent developments:

    OCAD Wearable Tech featured in Toronto Star (readable)

    Congrats to my fantastic students and thanks to Madhavi Acharya-Tom Yew for visiting our class and for opening up our conversations to a broader audience!

  • “We Make Things”

    A new mini documentary by Ryan Varga, featuring Matt Ratto, Mark Argo, Leigh Honeywell, Ryan Taylor, and I.

  • DFI Faculty Featured in Sketch Magazine

    The latest issue of OCAD’s Sketch magazine is hot off the press and my colleagues and I are featured in an article appropriately titled “Play as Work”. Suzanne Stein, Barbara Rauch, Emma Westecott, and I were all hired within the last year as part of the Digital Futures Initiative and have since been working away at developing new courses, research labs, minors, and a major. More news on these endeavors to come, but in the meantime you can download the PDF of the article here.

  • Boulder Pavement Launch

    Glacier-Human Communication Techniques in Boulder Pavement

    I was fortunate enough to have work featured in the launch issue of Boulder Pavement –  a new digital publication put together by the illustrious Banff Centre. Issue 01 includes photos, text, and an interview from my “Initial Investigatory Research for Glacier-Human Communications”. Though this bit of research & making is dated back to May & June of 2009, Boulder Pavement managed to beat me to the punch in getting the work online. Special thanks to Steven Ross Smith and Nick Hutcheson for making it happen! Here’s hoping I make it back up to the Columbia Icefields next summer…