Category: Projects

  • Harvest Pyramid

    I’m entering a phase where I want to work big and hanging out with friends who create projects on a larger scale serves as great inspiration. Last May I had the awesome opportunity to volunteer on John Rose‘s newest project – the Harvest Pyramid. This 40-foot tall structure was specially designed as a venue for Harvest Festival, one of the most enjoyable events I’ve been to in Ontario.


    Below is a time-lapse video of the build. You may recognize the woman working at the top towards the end. Those rock climbing skills sure do come in handy! You can read more about the design process on John’s website.

  • Science Fair in Long Island City

    A new version of the Glacier Embracing Suit was recently included in the Science Fair, at Flux Factory in Long Island City. Thanks to The Metric System & Flux Factory for putting together the show!