Talk to Me, MoMA


While it’s fantastic to continually do things you never would have dreamed of as a kid, it’s also nice to do things that you have. From now until November 7th three of my pieces will be on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York as part of the Talk to Me exhibition curated by Paola Antonelli. Here is the official description of the show:

Talk to Me explores the communication between people and things. The exhibition focuses on objects that involve a direct interaction, such as interfaces, information systems, visualization design, and communication devices, and on projects that establish an emotional, sensual, or intellectual connection with their users. Examples range from a few iconic products of the late 1960s to several projects currently in development—including computer and machine interfaces, websites, video games, devices and tools, furniture and physical products, and extending to installations and whole environments.

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My projects can be found on the MOMA website here:
Muttering Hat:
Talk to Yourself Hat:

And additional photos can be found on Flickr.

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