TED Talk now online

Glacier, hats, and houseplants, oh my! My long-awaited TED talk is finally online. Here it is:


4 responses to “TED Talk now online”

  1. Lorenzo D. Lemos

    that was a great ted talk you have a great way of looking at things. good luck with your work.

  2. My message on the TED forum from a translator’s point of view.

    This talk raises a bit of a controversy. Although the subject is totally different, this talk reminds me of Edward Tenner on «unexpected consequences ». I have just finished the translation of Kate’s talk subtitles in French just the way I finished those of Mr Tenner a couple of weeks ago and much in the same way, I suddenly discover criticisms on the TED forum. Criticisms are fine to me but I’d like to share with you my personal experience with this talk. At first, like some of you, I was not impressed. Then after finishing the translation, I slowly realized the importance of kate’s message.

    I first viewed her creations as funny ways to attract attention. Not art really, not science for sure. Just humour at best. Then, going through the text and symbols one by one, I realized that Kate is a fantastic educationalist. The very reactions about her talk are in themselves an evidence of what she is saying. I am no serious judge about Art but I suddenly understood how deep her message ran about « LISTENING » and how this might shape our personal and collective future…

    If you are interested, my blog (http://didierchambaretaud.blogspot.com/2011/10/kate-hartman-interfaces-art-et-humour.html) develops a few items about Kate’talk around: TED, humour, teaching, interfaces, Art and scams.

    All the best to you Kate.

  3. Hi Kate, thanks for your talk at today’s Decoded conference in Munich. Stumbled across your TED talk after the event. You works is really very cool. It’s sensitive and personal, yet humorous and really out there. Will follow you.

  4. Nick

    Such an inspiring and whimsical set of projects. It’s always great to hear a TED audience laughing too! It was such an honour and a pleasure having you share your work at Digifest 2011 this past fall.