Author: katehartman


    For the final project I am working with Kati, Alice, Megan, Nanna, and Fiona. We have decided to create a quilt that can be used in exercises for physical & speech therapy. Our research notes and project development can be found here. General information about the project can be found at


    I am creating a garment that allows the wearer to receive feedback from their own touch. Physical connections close electric circuits, causing mild vibrations in different regions of the upper body. Engaging in simple, instinctive poses provides the opportunity to close off the outside world and turn inward. It is about centering, grounding, or focusing in the midst of chaos. It gives the power to create one’s own physical and mental space in any sort of situation.

    INTERIOR: immersive experience, feeling of an interior space
    EXTERIOR: communicates a message, a physical transformation


    I moved away from the idea of the puppet emulating you and onto the idea of the puppet responding to you. Rather than communicating between worlds, the two of you come to occupy the same space. I created a series of exercises to work through a few ideas I had.

    In “Excuse Me”, the woman becomes annoyed when you enter her personal space.

    [QUICKTIME 160 137]

    In “Follow”, she refuses to leave you alone.

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    A hacked calculator turned armband. Geek chic. Guts out. Bad-ass calculating on the fly.

    calcband1.jpg calcband2.jpg

    Calculator is positioned upside-down. For the user/wearer, it is functional. For the non-wearer, it becomes an intimate, low-resolution communication device. Upside-down numbers are interpreted as letters – a message delivery system that was popular when I was in grade-school.

    calcband3.jpg calcband4.jpg


    Continuing with the vibrating shirt, I ripped out the strips of conductive fabric, which has proved to be stiff, brittle, and unreliable, and did the “wiring” exclusively with conductive thread. [The contact patches on the arms and hands were left as conductive fabric.]

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    I tried to incorporate the stitching into the preexisting seams of the shirt so as to make it a truly soft circuit. In the cases where it was necessary for the stitching to leave the confines of the seams, there were some issues because the fabric of the shirt has a great amount of elasticity where the thread does not. My temporary solution for this was to leave a good amount of slack in the thread in these areas so that the shirt could sustain stretching, but a better solution needs to be worked out eventually.

    I also reworked the snap system.

    snap1.jpg snap2.jpg snap3.jpg

    Wires/components are soldered to the top snap. The bottom snap is sewn to the shirt and connected to the circuit with conductive thread. This allows all electronic components (motors, batteries) to be easily removed so the shirt can be washed.


    In this assignment, data travels from the sensor to the microchip to the computer to the server to a text file. Very exciting! Setting up the PHP and text files was pretty straightforward. Doing the whole “chmod” thing took a little while because I’m not quite familiar with terminal commands. For the pic/Processing setup, I started out with a trying a simple call & response just to make sure that everything was working. I then moved on to sending from Processing to the network. All code came from Tom’s Network Datalogging Suite.

    The intial success that I had in the lab with a potentiometer was very excited. I then took the setup home and used a photocell measure the sunrise Sunday morning. I set it up to take readings every 30 seconds and left it running for a couple hours. I was pleased with the results.

    The only real problem I ran into was a discrepancy in time:
    This turned out to be an issue with the PHP code (“M” vs. “m”). I plan to redo the photocell thing so I can have readings with proper time stamps.


    This is an idea using a setup similar to Vincent’s TouchScreen as a way to control video playback. Touching the screen with fingertips allows you to play small movies at the location where you touch. The movies are small in size, not much larger than the fingertips. They are short in length & looping. The number of times you tap your finger allow you to select which file will be played. Then holding your finger for several seconds in the same spot where you tapped causes the movie to start playing. It plays as long as you maintain contact. If you drag your finger, it follows. Just imagine tiny little videos on screen, following your fingers around.

    In terms of content, I have a body of short videos that I made a few years ago based on my subjective interpretation of fragments of other people’s dreams. They are meant to be presented small, in a many screens within a screen sort of way. I originally presented them floating around in a grid-like formation, but I’d love to experiment with a more organic, live presentation. In this case, selection of videos would be random, not user-controlled, so the combination of videos on screen would be constantly changing.


    I’d like to use live television as the image source rather than live feed from a camera. TV images would be replaced by preloaded clips of video (of my choosing) with the same RGB value. So I could watch interpreted TV, having a similar color experience as I would with the original, but viewing completely different content.


    Uh oh! I feel myself being drawn down a familiar path. So when I’m sitting here trying to understand all this stuff, this “Java” stuff and this “video” stuff, I think of the most basic thing I could possible want to do, figure out how to do it, and then move on from there. So in terms of thinking about tracking, the most basic approach would be to track one thing moving and make something else move in the exact same way. That’s where the puppets come in. I guess my instinct is to personify things in order to better understand them. Track something in real life, make something move on the screen. So I’m basically looking at how tracking parts of the body or the body as a whole can allow you to move characters on the screen. Finger puppets. Hand puppets. Body puppets. So far I’ve been trying finger puppets using the multiple rectangle tracker, but I think I need to switch approaches, because my current setup produces really terrible results. But it’s a start. Perhap I need to try identifying skin blobs. Funny how the what I think of as the simplest thing still ends of taking me forever.


    Vision for the future: People in orange jumpsuits jumping around in front of the camera to make their characters move on screen. Full body experience.


    We reexamined the activity of vacuuming without the use of hands or arms.

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    We found it impossible to connect the most commonly used large attachment. For this particular attachment, there is a small button that needs to be depressed in order to lock it into place. Using only the feet and legs, this proved to be extremely difficult, both because of the size of the button and the need to use simultaneous opposing force.

    It was also difficult to maneuver the plug and cord out of the vacuum cleaner body. After several attempts, we were successful. The design of this particular vacuum cleaner model made it easy to access the attachments with the use of two feet. We decided to analyze the actual back and forth motion required to vacuum the floor.

    The solution that we came up with is a specially designed attachment for the the vacuum to be used with the foot. The attachment is worn as a slipper. The floor cleaning attachment is integrated into the weight-bearing base.

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